Vernon County In Print
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"1878 Vernon County, WI Plat Map"
Map of each township and an index of all names and places with map location.
Softbound, 98 pages
$12.00 plus $5.00 shipping
"Barns Without Corners"
by Kevin and Patsy Alderson
The history of Vernon County's round barns. Includes photos, paintings, and a map.
Softbound, 43 pages
$15.95 plus $4.00 shipping
Bob Hirsch "Return to the Temple"
$10.00 plus $5.00 shipping
"Country Schoolhouses of Vernon County, WI"
by the Vernon County Historical Society
with modern photos by Harry Peterson
Provides a brief history of each of Vernon County's rural schoolhouses, one page per school, with both historic and modern photographs.
Softbound, 166 pages
$25.00 plus $5.00 shipping
"Hometown Heritage, A Celebration of Viroqua's
150th Birthday"
by Maurine Fritz
A History of Viroqua, Wisconsin. Easy reading for children and adults. Includes pictures that kids may want to color
Softbound, 28 pages
$5.00 plus $3.00 shipping
"Index to Marriage Registration for
Vernon County, WI. Dec 1850-1914"
compiled by Elsa Banta
Known as Bad Ax County until 1862. Alphabetical by groom and bride's maiden name
Softbound, 224 pages
$50.00 plus $7.00 shipping
"Little Indian Girl in the Big Basket"
by June Pedretti
A picture book for kids
Spiralbound, 11 sturdy pages
$15.00 plus $3.00 shipping
"The Story of Wisconsin Women"
by Ruth De Young Kohler
Originally written in 1946 as part of Wisconsin's Centennial Celebration, this book has a wonderful history of the role of women as leaders in the state. Chapters 6&7 in particular, have an accurate accounting of the role of women of Wisconsin in the suffragette movement.
Softbound, 144 pages
$15.00 plus $5.00 shipping
"Vernon County Cemetery Locations and Histories"
by Judy Mathison
Guide to finding cemeteries in Vernon County - with pictures.
$15.00 plus $5.00 shipping
Vernon County, WI, Tombstone Inscriptions
by Jerry and Mickie Parr
This CD contains the inscriptions of all the tombstones in the 100+ cemeteries in Vernon County. Full index of over 50,000 names.
$25.00 plus $5.00 shipping
"Vernon County Courthouse Viroqua, WI 1880 - 1998"
Listing of Vernon Co. supervisors since 1852. Also includes the history of the jail.
Softbound, 31 pages
$5.00 plus $3.00 shipping
"Vernon County Goes to War"
Edited by the Vernon County Historical Society
This booklet contains excerpts from John Greenman's Civil War diary. John W. Greenman was a Vernon County soldier who enlisted in Company F of the 8th Wisconsin Regiment.
Illustrated. Softbound, 52 pages
$10.00 plus $3.00 shipping
Vernon County Historical Society Coloring Book
9 full-sized pages to color, plus two pages of alphabet pictures ("A" is for airplane, "B" is for bicycle). Artwork is of Vernon County scenes, including the Kickapoo River and a round barn. All drawings created by area artists. Suitable for both children and adults.
Softbound, 20 pages
$5.00 plus $3.00 shipping
"Vernon County Teachers College Graduates, 1908-1971, Viroqua, WI"
Complete list of students who graduated from the Vernon County Normal School/Teachers Training College. Includes a photo section.
Softbound, 44 pages
$15.00 plus $5.00 shipping
"Vernon County War History"
A history of Vernon County's involvement in World War I. includes photos and alphabetical list of service people.
Used copies only available.
Hardbound, 112 pgs., published 1926
$10.00 plus $5.00 shipping
"Viroqua's Main Street History 1846 - 1996"
researched by Vic & Donna Navrestad
A history of each building by address giving a chronological listing of owners and their business, indexed.
Illustrated 353 pages
$75.00 plus $7.00 shipping
"Women's Work"
By the Vernon County Historical Society
This booklet contains a collection of essays about Vernon County women in history.
Illustrated. Softbound, stapled binding. 52 pages
$10.00 plus $3.00 shipping